Ok, it's been a few weeks since my last post, and I have not done as much painting as I'd hoped, but more than I'd feared. In my defense, I got distracted with assembling a bunch of the 6th edition plastic Wood Elf Glade Guard (archers) so that they'd rank up in formation for games I'm not going to play probably, which was very satisfying but did take up most of my hobby energy and also led to this extreme run-on sentence.
Anyway, the end of this month and the beginning of next I'm traveling back east to see family, but I'm going to hope for more progress by the end of April, and maybe start some new units in May.
All that out of the way, let's see some pictures.
I did however make some progress on my Knight-Incantor, below.
I'm not sure what I want to do with her weapons, but I'm liking the red for the fabric. The white limb armor and dark green torso is the layout of the Mentors Legion space marines I'm basing her off of, and I think it's starting to look good. Definitely need to look up some tutorials on painting white armor as I proceed, I'm not sure how I want to do the shading/highlighting on that yet.
The other major progress I made was on the Deepwood scouts.
The pictures here aren't the best, but you can see I managed to get color on all of them. Brown bows and leather and quivers, green cloaks (even alternating dark green and camouflage green!), skin tones (yes some of my elves have dark skin, some light, I like diversity), even the bases have the dirt color I'm probably going to use throughout the army. This unit is going to have grey/white fletching for the arrows, but I plan to alternate that by unit just for variety. All ten of them you notice are on a large base, called a movement tray in the game community. It's not a necessary part of the game but helps to move the whole unit at once (thus speeding up an already 4-6 hour game). The tray for the scouts is a skirmish tray, so the models do not rank up. The bonus is that I can paint and add details to the tray I couldn't on a basic movement tray, so that's fun. I got this one off eBay, it's a hard plastic or resin tray. I have some movement trays for the ranked-up units that are made of wood, which will probably feature in a future post.
The last thing I wanted to talk about is quality. I happened to order a model on eBay that showed up pre-painted, and when I looked into it the shop I got it from turned out to be a place that does commissions. Here are some pictures of that model.
The quality of this model blew me away. Look at that banner, those are free-hand runes and detailing, the banner on the model is just flat metal. The shading and highlights are amazing. This is the quality I aspire to. Realistically I've never been great at freehand, so that's unlikely, but maybe someday.
And then I was looking through some of the models I've had in storage for a decade or more, and I came across this one:
I actually painted this model. A long time ago, but that was me. And I looked at the shading and the highlights and I thought "wow, I was actually really good." So I know I'm capable (maybe not the freehand, but who knows what I could do if I practice enough).
So I guess what I'm saying here is I'm hoping that doing this more frequently and maybe holding myself accountable a bit with this blog will let me get back to and possibly exceed where I have been in the past. I really do enjoy this, it's just been so hard in the past decade to get myself into the mindset to do this again. I really want to rediscover painting these miniatures. Who knows, maybe someday I'll even get to play a game with them.
So until next time!