Update on the state of my desk
Some of my older work |
Kaeris from the Malifaux range. I think I held onto her
I've not done much modeling or painting the last week and a half, partly because I've been doing other things (like looking for work, a stressful activity I have trouble motivating myself to do as well), partly because I got sick this week, mostly because I'm still having trouble motivating myself to actually do it.
I assembled the first three Stormcast Eternals last week one evening, they're push-fit, and don't require glue. I glued the first two but I wish I hadn't, I think it interferes with how they go together. I ordered liquid Green Stuff which came today to fill in gaps. (Green Stuff is the Games Workshop 2-part epoxy putty) |
I've been following the Marie Kondo stuff on twitter (and my wife watched the show so I absorbed some of it that way) and I realized part of my trouble is that my desk is currently cluttered with way too many projects. So tonight I worked on clearing some stuff off.
A lot of what I needed to do was to assemble some unassembled models and put them away in drawers. I worked on fixing some of my broken models.
The parts of a Runewars Miniatures Wraith, which I bought Aproustian for her undead army |
The assembled unit, which I did today (with permission) to clear space off the top of the desk. This will eventually get painted by Aproustian herself |
I tackled a bit of re-basing old Warhammer Fantasy models so they'll be appropriate for Age of Sigmar if I ever decide to actually play it. I worked on organizing where things are on top of my desk and where things are in the drawers.
I re-based this guy, the new Age of Sigmar suggested guidelines are for the larger oval base rather than that little rectangle (which is bigger than the tiny square the model originally came with). I'll add some plants and static grass and paint the base at some point, it's on my radar. |
So hopefully, next time I post I'll have some actual colors on models. I'd like to make it a goal to post about once a week for modeling or painting stuff, and if I can keep that goal maybe I'll get more done. What I really need to do is work on prioritizing painting, setting aside an hour a day or so to just sit down and do some, similar to how I got myself to start journaling by setting a reminder on my phone to do it every day.
My Darnati Warriors for the Latari Elves |
Two assembled Darnati Warriors |
The entire regiment of Darnati Warriors |
And it may be worth looking into a local gaming group, if anyone actually plays these games in the immediate vicinity. I used to make up whole armies in my head and paint them thinking I'd play them on the table one day, but I've gone through so many phases of that, making them up, creating backstory, building and painting them, only to then turn around and sell the army off that I think it's sapped my motivation in a way. Having an end goal is important to me, as much as I want to re-train myself to enjoy the journey as well...
Still a few things I want to clear up, but I'm making progress. I need to get some paper clips to cut up and use as pins for the broken metal models. Drilling a hold and inserting a pin helps hold metal models together by giving the super glue more surface to bond to. (Plastic glue actually melts the plastic pieces slightly so they reform as a more solid piece) |
One of my favorite Elder Farseer models from Warhammer 40,000, also from a few years ago |
Well, until next time then!
I love these updates <3